Friday, July 18, 2014

Food Trucks Rule

So hello again, I've obliviously haven't been keeping up with this blog which is a bummer because I really want to be able to blog more than once a week but I'm trying not to be so hard on myself.

Anyway! How was your week? Our was busy busy! Today was a fun day! 

Our day:

7:45-Arrive to work, lady boss is still here and it's rare for me to see her in the mornings so we chit chat about my plans for the day and then we say goodbye.

8:15-Feed the girls breakfast, cereal and smoothie for everyone (just have the girls today, Little Man is with his mom this week).

8:15-9:10-Let the girls watch some Disney Jr while I get laundry ready and sorted and clean up breakfast plates. I also pack our bag for the day with diapers, wipes, extra undies, a change of clothes, snacks, paci for the baby, and water.

9:13-It's Little Bees turn first to get dressed today. I get one girl dressed at a time so I can give each of them individual time and my full attention. I put a fresh diaper on her and get her dressed. Next, teeth get brushed and we sing our ABC's while I do it and then I let her have a turn. While she "brushes" I comb her hair and decide she need one pigtail today. Little Bee is still slightly bald, she needs more hair! 

9:31-Little Lady's turn (she protest after I turn off the TV stating that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse just started). Get her dressed and then time for teeth. We also sing our ABC's while I brush her teeth and then it's her turn. Just like Little Bee, I brush her hair while she "brushes". After I remind her to brush her tongue we are done!    

9:45-10:15-We read some books while we wait for my friend to get here, she's coming with us to our outing. The girls are very much into Leslie Patricelli books, especially Quiet, Loud.

10:15-My friend Gee finally arrives and we pack up, each grab a girl and off we go!

10:40-Arrive at Fair Park, there is a Food Truck Frenzy today! Free parking and free admission so it should be fun! And it was! I wasn't expecting much from the event but it was better than expected. There was about 7 trucks out there, one live band and a water show. We had a very weird and unexpected cold front so the weather was amazing! 65 degrees in the middle of July? Score! 

11:00-Trucks finally open and off we go to order food! I ordered tacos for the girls and myself and a hotdog in case either girls decides tacos are yucky today. 

I ordered two chicken, one crawfish and one brisket taco. 

And I was right! Little Lady decided tacos are yucky and ate the hotdog, some of my friends fettuccini Alfredo and the fruit I packed her. Little Bee devoured the brisket taco, she LOVES meat, she also kinda nibbled on the chicken one. I ate the crawfish taco and the left over chicken taco. 

After that we let them walk around and run and enjoy the water show which they both loved! Little Bee thought the show rocked! 

After that we decided it was time for dessert! We had the most delicious funnel cake fries from the Cuban sandwich truck! I'm not kidding! These are worth the heart attack they might give us later. 

12:30-Girls are starting to get antsy as it's their nap time so we walk a mile to find the restroom, let Little Lady go potty, change Little Bees diaper and pack everyone up again. 

12:55-Blast the Frozen soundtrack to keep the girls from falling asleep. If they fall asleep even for 15-20 mins they won't nap when we get home.

1:17-arrive home and little Bee fell asleep right before we pulled up so I call that success! 

1:30-Put Little Bee down after I've changed her diaper and given her a bottle.

1:45-Put little Lady down and she snuggles down immediately, she should fall asleep fast. My friend leaves soon after.

2:00-For a split second I think the baby isn't going to nap but fortunately she does! 

2:00-3:35-I fold laundry, clean out our day bag and rest. I hear the baby wake up and it's time to get her out. 

3:35-4:01-Little Bee and I snuggle, read books and play with blocks while we wait for Little Lady to wake up.

4:01-Go and wake Little Lady, if she sleeps too much she won't go to bed at a reasonable time at night. 

4:30-Start making Mac and cheese for the girls dinner. Cut some fruit up for them and put fresh water in their cups while they play some sort of chase game.

4:30-5:00-Girls eat dinner and lady boss gets home! We talk about our "culture" day and how much fun the girls had. I give her the rundown on how many bowl movements went on today (fancy life the one I live, very fancy!), nap lengths and what each girl ate. 

5:17-I finally leave! I'm so ready to start my weekend! 

Over all this week was a great week with the girls and we did have lots of adventures. Hopefully I will get better about writing those down. 

Hope all of you have a wonderful, safe and fun weekend. 


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