Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Talk

Last weeks look who's talking...

Me: "L are you going to wear your uniform?"  
Little Lady: "yes my white unicorn one" 

Little Lady: "Sam I'm going to get my baby, cuz she needs me, cuz she's crying! Baby!! I'm coming!" 

Little Lady: "Sam can I have a blue gatorator (Gatorade)?"

Little Lady after I asked if she stepped on her friends foots on accident and her honestly is spot on: "It was on purple-less (purpose)"

Little Bees favorite thing to say right now is "no", "come on", and "k" 

Also on a super random note....I FOUND A GRAY HAIR ON MY EYEBROW! So like a gray eyebrow hair? Anyway here is the picture 

I might start looking like a dried up fig soon. 


Friday, November 7, 2014

The woman with the blog...

...who never actually blogged. Oops! 

It's been like a month since my last entry, or more? So I apologize for the big gap.

Life in the P houshold has been busy! Little Lady has been working hard in learning how to write her name. Little Bee has been busy learning how to talk. For the longest time I was sure she had a speech delay since she is almost 2yrs old. Thankfully she's catching and up definitely making up for lost time. Half the time we still don't know what she's saying but she makes sure we know what she means, trust me, she is very clear in her intentions. Little Man has been giving us a bit of trouble. He's doing great in school just at home he has been having major attitude. He's going thru some emotional stuff. Besides that all the kiddos are great! 

This morning I was doing laundry and left the baskets on the ground to sort the clothes and both girls found great use of them! The love them some baskets! Apparently that's the best way to watch tv! 

Right before nap time both girls got super grumpy so I suggested we watch Frozen for the 163847 time, that movie NEVER fails. It has saved my mind God knows how many times. 

Little Bee is my lap buddy today. Been attached to my hip all morning. 

Both girls are napping now so maybe I will take a quick snooze too.

The weather is definitely getting cooler which makes me super excited! This girl does NOT do heat. I've lived in Texas all my life and trust me, I can take the 120 degree weather BUT I do not like it at.all!  So hurray for cooler weather! 

That's it for now! Be safe my friends! 


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ah Fall....

Fall is here! Kinda....we live in Texas so it's springish weather right now. Earlier in the month we had a really warm day, with a high of like 90 or something so we took advantage and went swimming! 

The new house has a heated pool and hot tub but we mostly have been using the hot tub since heating the entire pool would be incredibly expensive  and it would take forever. The hot tub is perfect though, the girls enjoy bobbing around in there and I like sitting and doing nothing while watching them play. 

Life has been going well...we have been very busy living and enjoying the new house and it's perks. The girls are really enjoying all the space and so I am, we aren't on top of each other anymore. The only down side is that now we actually have to drive to pick up Little Man from school. 

This week I have been fighting a severe sinus infection and an upper respiratory thing. I've been on a heavy dose of antibiotics and steroids. I never had a fever so I still came to work and we basically did this--> 

Yes America, I let the girls watch endless episodes of Dora and friends and destroy the play room. Which by the way, I had no idea Dora was all grown up! 

*yes I know Little Lady is wearing her mother shirt, we didn't go out to public that day
*yes I know the "play room" looks anything but destroyed but this isn't the play room, it's the tv room lol

Anyway, thankfully I am all done with the meds and I'm feeling almost 100%. 

We have been battling with some 8yr old attitude here lately. I guess that's normal but it's annoying. Thankfully Little Man is starting to understand that 1) I am not his personal maid, if I said pick up your backpack and shoes I mean it! Or there will be consequences, I'm done being Miss Nice Pants and 2) the world unfortunately doesn't revolve around him, period. 

There is some moments where I find him quite cute, like when he is trading his Pokemon cards. Which are all the rage apparently in 3rd grade. He seems to be "da man" to go to. Everyday after school he is shuffling! 

Hopefully he will get over the rut he's in soon, which I blame in his mother being practically non existent. But that's another story for another day. 

I'm looking forward to the cooler weather, I'm done with the warmth. I hope it's nice and cool when I take the girls to our yearly Arboretum outing to see the pumpkin village! 


Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Beginning Of The End

Boom! Two posts in less than a week! Yay! Hashtag-winning! Lol

So the girls and I had a great day yesterday! Partly because I only worked 4 hours! Lady Boss told me Thursday that she would be getting her "face lasered" or in other worlds she was going to the dermatologist so she just decided to take the day off that way I could arrive late and then leave right after I put the girls down for their nap. I could hardly believe my ears!! I was so excited! She told me she understood I had a stressful week and I deserved some time off...i thanked the nanny gods!! Even though my bosses had no idea it was Nanny Approciation Week, I took that as a holiday gift! 

So here is a rundown of our short day: 

8:55-get to work, I can hear lady boss and little lady talking upstairs, wonder where my little bee is. I yell up the stairs to announce my arrival and hear both say "hiya Sam" 

9:05-hear little bee talking in her bed so I go and get her, she was very excited to see me...and then I realized she had poop on her leg...never a good sign. 

9:15-lady boss is thankfully taking care of little bees poop dilemma, she's giving little bee a bath while I strip the crib and rub some Clorox wipes all over it. Put the dirty stuff in the wash and then go back to join the poop party in little bees room. Little lady is a bit whinny this morning but she's usually like this when her mamma is home. 

9:17-little bees hands still smell like poop so back in the bath she goes! 

9:25-sweet little bug is finally dried and dressed! She's a bit cranky now but that's what happens when you wake up at 5am and then refuse to nap and instead poop all over yourself. 

9:25-9:45-feed the girls some muffins and pack our bag for the day. We are going to the interurban railway museum in downtown Plano. Someone in little lady's playgroup let lady boss know that some kids would be going there. They have a free story time and a nice park next door. 

10:00-finally leave! I'm hoping little bee will take a short nap in the car so that she isn't terribly cranky.

10:25-arrive at the musuem, we originally got there earlier but I drove around trying to get little bee to fall asleep. It didn't happen so off we go! 

10:30-story time starts...I'm pleasantly surprised that the story teller is a sweet looking grandma. I am not fond of the over the top young ladies that try to do story time now days...some kids don't want loud and hyper...they prefer quiet and engaging. At least my girls do anyway. 

11:00-story time is over! Both girls really enjoyed it and both actually danced and "participated". They let us hop on on the little red covered train wagon outside. We aren't aloud to touch anything but we do get to sit in the conductors chair, they girls really weren't impressed with this, they were more fascinated by the train wheels. 

11:15-11:48-we watched the turtles for a while and then went to play on the playground for a few minutes. 

11:50-we buckle up and head home. Little lady askes the whole way if we can "go to chick fil a" or to "that mall" or basically every where she can think of that's not home. 

12:10-we make it home and I make the girls a very simple lunch. 
Btw aren't those plates the cuttest? We got them from the $1 section at Target! It was a great find! 

12:40-make a sippy cup with milk and warm it up...get a paci for little lady and off to bed she goes! I asked little lady to please sit and watch the iPad while I put her sister to bed. I can trust her, little bee, not so much. 

1:19-little bee is FINALLY asleep! After I changed her diaper, gave her her milk and snuggled her she refused to go to bed. It's like she wait for me to get angry and tell her to "go night night right now!" That she passes out....that little stinker!

1:20-lady boss is home and said she would put little lady I go and start picking things up and collect my things.

1:30-I finally leave....but before this lady boss talks to me about what's about to happen.

So it turns out some of their friends, who have 3 kids, might be coming to live with them for a few weeks/months while the house they just bought goes thru some remodeling. 
It's all cool with me....except they all get home at 3pm...I don't leave till 5!! How weird is it that someone will there watching me! And not even that...their oldest goes to little mans school so you know they will be asking me to pick him up as well...for free. Now I will do it as a favor once or twice but I work for my family, not them. And I know that makes me sounds stingy and a jerk but I'm sorry, I'm not getting taken advantage of. This whole new arraignment will throw our schedule out the window and the two older one will once again share a bedroom and bed. Which throws away all the efforts we did to get the older one, little man, WHO IS 8yrs OLD!!!!!!, to sleep in his own bed. So there you have it, the beginning of the end. I feel like I'll just never get a break...I'm going to be stressed until those people move out. Maybe I should go back to drinking coffee everyday.

Or wine after work...


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Celebrating Nanny Week With Dog Poop

Hello internets! It's been quite the busy month around  here. Boss people finally moved and it took 3 whole days. Which means I worked Mon-Sun and never got a break. The past few days have been filled with sorting and organizing and just living in the new house. It's cool, hopefully they will remember that come bonus time. I'm not holding my breath though.

I've been feeling a little under-appreciated these past days, funny since its National Nanny Approciation Week. My boss people are very considerate people so it's been frustrating that these last few days they seem to not understand that I have a life outside of work. I have things to do, errands to run and so forth. I understand that they both have jobs that requires them to be fully committed and I knew that coming in. I also knew that I was suppose to leave at 5 everyday and that I would work 1-3 Monday's a month. I haven't had a Monday off in MONTHS. I've been leaving work at 5:20-5:30 and that's just plain unacceptable. 
Yesterday was the straw that broke the camels back. They dog had explosive diarrhea on the BEIGE carpet. The smell was god awful. I was gagging. I texted both telling them what happened, I wasn't expecting them to come home and clean it up. But their response made me incredible upset and if it hadn't been for the smell I would have left the diarrhea there for them to clean. Her response was "Please keep him outside or crated all day, text (guy boss)." So I texted him and he said "That sucks, blame (lady boss) it is her dog" SERIOUSLY!? I dont know what response I was hoping for but a "Sorry Sam" or "I'm sorry about that" would have been enough. Maybe I'm being sensitive or maybe I'm in the right. Either way it was gross and disgusting. I'm seriously not getting paid enough. 
This morning I finally talked to them, I hate not feeling like my self and I'm one of those people who voice their concerns and I'll let you know when something is bugging me. I didn't tell them I was feeling overlooked but that I did express how I need to leave at 5 or we will start talking about a schedule change and pay increase, that got their attention. Hopefully the next few days are better. 

Sorry for my rant. Anyone else had to deal with this? I know sometimes we overlook the people who help us the most due to stress or problems and I understand. But after a month I think I'm done feeling overlooked. 

Anyway how was your week? Fall is finally here and I could not be more excited! Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. Do you do anything special with your little ones to celebrate fall? 

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Stay safe! 


Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekday Roundup

Well I hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend and a 4 day work week! Yay! Too bad I'm working 9-5 tomorrow...bummer but it's my fault I should have said no. 

Anyway the kids are doing great! Little bit of a cough and a stomach bug but they are back to normal. 

So now that Little Lady is 3rs old she has some funny things to say! So here is what I'm introducing as the "look who's talking" post. I'm going to try and post these on a weekly basis, the kids are always saying somenfunny stuff! I realized most of these, if not all, are from Little Lady. She's 3 and doing all the talking since Little Bee doesn't talk yet and Little Man is only with us part time. 

*Little Lady sitting in the potty: "Sam! Can you hear my poop coming? I think it's going to be a big one!" 

*Little Lady again sitting in the potty: "I can feel my poop coming, I think it's gonna be my favorite one!" 

*Little Lady as we snuggle on the couch: "hey! Are u wearing a bra?" 
Me: "yes..."
Little Lady: "what's are those called?" *points at my boobs* 
Me: "those parts..." 
Little Lady all excited says: "MY MOMMY HAS LADY PARTS TOO SAM!!" 

*Little Lady when she stepped on her sisters foot: "oh sorry (little lady) I thought you were a rock" 

She says some funny stuff this kid! I need to do a better job in writing down what she says in a journal so that I can remember to blog about it and for her to read when she's older. 

So I had the scare of my life with Little Bee today. She fell down with the stroller...we picked up Little Man from school and Little Lady got stuck in some grass and started to cry and so I put the brake on the stroller and went to help her and next thing I knew the stroller was sideways with Little Lady in it screaming! I felt so bad!!! So besides being upset that she was strapped in she was now upset because she got injured...poor bug!! And the worse part!?!? 2 parents saw it happen!!! So now I feel like a bad human being and a horrible nanny!! I would like to point out that neither of those two parents stepped in and helped, the were probably judging me. 

When I picked up the stroller I was imagining the worst! Bloody face, chipped tooth, big gash on her forehead but thankfully it was just a big red bump! 

Not that makes it any better but it's better than an ER visit. It was really scary! My knees went weak! I carried her the rest of the way home since she was so upset. I iced her sweet little forehead and gave her a paci and her blanket, I think she got over it quickly since she pulled her sisters hair not even 10 mins after we got home. Thankfully my bosses are really understanding people and know accidents happen. I immediately texted my boss to let her know and sent her a pic. After I explained what had happened I told her how awful I felt and her reply was very sweet. It might not seem much but my lady boss isn't much for words. 

 As a nanny you know that's the first thing you do is txt the parents and let then know what happened.  I am so grateful her fall wasn't anything severe but it sure was scary and now I know better, even with the brake on ALWAYS hold the stroller. When I left this afternoon I gave Little Bee hundreds of kisses so help get rid of this nanny guilt! 

Well that was my week, what about you fellow nanny friends? Any funny stories? 

I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend! Stay safe! 


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Labor Day!

So most people don't even know what Labor Day is or why we have the day off or rather why the majority of us have the day off. I am one of those people. 

Here is what (United States department of labor) says about the matter: " a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country." 
So basically it means you get a day off for the labor you have done all year long...I also read somewhere else that it has to do with the rail road strike of 1894. There you go, you learned something new today didn't ya? 

I look forward to this day and I very much enjoy my day off and celebrate the contributions I've made to the American work force...not really. I'll tell you the real reason I'm excited this year....THATS THE LAST DAY THE POOL IS OPEN!!!!!! Thank the Labor Day gods!! 

I'm so so over the pool!! And to be honest I love the pool and I very much like taking the kids but I am so over carrying and lugging 28373 bags! I have to carry the bags, the mini coloor, the floaties AND hold the baby because I would hate for her to be hit by a car in the parking lot. So yes! I'm over it! I am so happy the pools are closing and I don't have to think about it till next summer! I party hate it because we have been going fairly often, almost every day, since the house went on the market and it's the closes place where I can go while there's an inspector/realtor/photographor or a showing here.

 I can't wait till next summer when they (bosses) will be in the new house that has, fortunately, a pool in the backyard! So thankfully next year I can lather them in sunscreen and throw them outside to swim and I can sit in the shade drinking a sprite. 

Enjoy your day off on Monday fellow nannies!! Go to a BBQ and drink some watermelon adult drinks and let your hair down! Lord knows we need it! Stay safe! 


Monday, August 25, 2014

New York

So, obviously I have failed miserably in undating but my bosses are moving and so the past 2 weeks have been non stop activity which includes lots of missed naps which has been oodles of fun, and they haven't even moved yet.

Anyone here we my best friend and I were in NY for 8 days and I seriously did not want to come back. So here is just picture vomit lol 

Our first night there we hop on a tour bus which was a great idea since it gave us a sence of where things are...which honestly didn't really help me, it just made me confused lol and I'm the one out of the two who's best with directions.

Cake boss!  We had a cupcake here and I gotta say, it was very disappointing. And the wait was ridiculous! 

The is one of the highlights of the trip, we stayed across the street from where Neil Patrick Harris does his we were able to see him a couple of was awesome!

We visited Chinatown, Little Itally (where we had the best chicken Alfredo and the best olive oil spread I've ever had!!!) 

We took a boat tour to the Statue of Liberty, we didn't get off at the island, most people we talked too recommended against it. It was quite a magnificent sight. 

We did the Empire State Building which I will honestly suggest you skip this, the views aren't great at all, top of the rock has much much much better views. Also the line for Empire State was incredibly 3 hours. So these pictures are from top of the rock and Empire State Building. 

We also visited the watchtower bibile enducation center. 

We saw Aladdin one night, we saw the Lego exhibition, the art of the brick, which is amazing! It's absolutely brilliant. We also saw the avengers exhibit, which the 10 year old boy in me was freaking out!! It was so cool!! 

We visited the 9/11 tribute musuem. Tears where shed since the beginning. This is a must see, you can not skip this if your in NY. It was of course an emotional roller coster. For the most part you can't take pictures but you don't really need them, the videos and pictures will forever be burned in you mind. 

We visited the Met and Moma, these pictures are from Moma. Starry night is my favorite painting of all time and I was thrilled to have seen it in real life! 

We of course visited Central Park. 

We also took a 3 hour subway ride to Coney Island, we took the right subway except it was going the wrong way...

We of course ate a ton!! We only had 2 hotdogs and 1 pizza slice where we where there and we had no chain restaurants, although we did buy French fries at mcdonalds because we used their bathroom. I am very much looking forward for my next NY adventure! We have left much undiscovered! 

Much love! Adios! 

P.S-I didn't proof read this so sorry for all the spelling errors. 

Monday, August 11, 2014


Well....I've obviously have failed miserably at updating this blog, not like I have readers but still for my own mental healthiness. 

So I haven't updated not because I don't want to or don't have things to say or rant about but because I don't have time. Which is odd because I don't have a boyfriend, husband nor kids but I do have a busy active live in church but still you would think I would have a little more free time yet I don't. I think I just used a run on sentence, oops!

So I left to New York last week and came back yesterday and the girls where super excited to see me, especially the baby. They left to Colorado the same day I did so it all worked it, I didn't have to find a replacement while I was gone. 

So bacically I want to apologized for not updated to my maybe one reader out there. I promise to update this week with pictures of my trip and maybe some funny stories I wrote down about the girls. I leave you with this wonderful picture of Central Park. 

Side note- I know I started this blog to talk about my adventures as a nanny but I realized I might use this space to talk about my daily non nanny life, to rant about things or to just talk about boring things like what I had for dinner or what books I'm reading. Maybe I should rename this blog....probably not, nanny life has been my life for the past 8 years...who knows...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Food Trucks Rule

So hello again, I've obliviously haven't been keeping up with this blog which is a bummer because I really want to be able to blog more than once a week but I'm trying not to be so hard on myself.

Anyway! How was your week? Our was busy busy! Today was a fun day! 

Our day:

7:45-Arrive to work, lady boss is still here and it's rare for me to see her in the mornings so we chit chat about my plans for the day and then we say goodbye.

8:15-Feed the girls breakfast, cereal and smoothie for everyone (just have the girls today, Little Man is with his mom this week).

8:15-9:10-Let the girls watch some Disney Jr while I get laundry ready and sorted and clean up breakfast plates. I also pack our bag for the day with diapers, wipes, extra undies, a change of clothes, snacks, paci for the baby, and water.

9:13-It's Little Bees turn first to get dressed today. I get one girl dressed at a time so I can give each of them individual time and my full attention. I put a fresh diaper on her and get her dressed. Next, teeth get brushed and we sing our ABC's while I do it and then I let her have a turn. While she "brushes" I comb her hair and decide she need one pigtail today. Little Bee is still slightly bald, she needs more hair! 

9:31-Little Lady's turn (she protest after I turn off the TV stating that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse just started). Get her dressed and then time for teeth. We also sing our ABC's while I brush her teeth and then it's her turn. Just like Little Bee, I brush her hair while she "brushes". After I remind her to brush her tongue we are done!    

9:45-10:15-We read some books while we wait for my friend to get here, she's coming with us to our outing. The girls are very much into Leslie Patricelli books, especially Quiet, Loud.

10:15-My friend Gee finally arrives and we pack up, each grab a girl and off we go!

10:40-Arrive at Fair Park, there is a Food Truck Frenzy today! Free parking and free admission so it should be fun! And it was! I wasn't expecting much from the event but it was better than expected. There was about 7 trucks out there, one live band and a water show. We had a very weird and unexpected cold front so the weather was amazing! 65 degrees in the middle of July? Score! 

11:00-Trucks finally open and off we go to order food! I ordered tacos for the girls and myself and a hotdog in case either girls decides tacos are yucky today. 

I ordered two chicken, one crawfish and one brisket taco. 

And I was right! Little Lady decided tacos are yucky and ate the hotdog, some of my friends fettuccini Alfredo and the fruit I packed her. Little Bee devoured the brisket taco, she LOVES meat, she also kinda nibbled on the chicken one. I ate the crawfish taco and the left over chicken taco. 

After that we let them walk around and run and enjoy the water show which they both loved! Little Bee thought the show rocked! 

After that we decided it was time for dessert! We had the most delicious funnel cake fries from the Cuban sandwich truck! I'm not kidding! These are worth the heart attack they might give us later. 

12:30-Girls are starting to get antsy as it's their nap time so we walk a mile to find the restroom, let Little Lady go potty, change Little Bees diaper and pack everyone up again. 

12:55-Blast the Frozen soundtrack to keep the girls from falling asleep. If they fall asleep even for 15-20 mins they won't nap when we get home.

1:17-arrive home and little Bee fell asleep right before we pulled up so I call that success! 

1:30-Put Little Bee down after I've changed her diaper and given her a bottle.

1:45-Put little Lady down and she snuggles down immediately, she should fall asleep fast. My friend leaves soon after.

2:00-For a split second I think the baby isn't going to nap but fortunately she does! 

2:00-3:35-I fold laundry, clean out our day bag and rest. I hear the baby wake up and it's time to get her out. 

3:35-4:01-Little Bee and I snuggle, read books and play with blocks while we wait for Little Lady to wake up.

4:01-Go and wake Little Lady, if she sleeps too much she won't go to bed at a reasonable time at night. 

4:30-Start making Mac and cheese for the girls dinner. Cut some fruit up for them and put fresh water in their cups while they play some sort of chase game.

4:30-5:00-Girls eat dinner and lady boss gets home! We talk about our "culture" day and how much fun the girls had. I give her the rundown on how many bowl movements went on today (fancy life the one I live, very fancy!), nap lengths and what each girl ate. 

5:17-I finally leave! I'm so ready to start my weekend! 

Over all this week was a great week with the girls and we did have lots of adventures. Hopefully I will get better about writing those down. 

Hope all of you have a wonderful, safe and fun weekend. 


Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's a already Monday again...poop!

So I guess I didn't blog at all last week..oops! I promised myself I would blog at least twice a week with at least one blog post detailing my day but life got in the way! Because these are my kids and some days I feel a single parent (we won't talk about how I lost my wallet because of them! Happy ending thankfully). 

Anyway! This week was crazy busy!! Starting with Little Bee not sleeping at night, seriously I feel bad for her parents because her walling from 2:00am-4:30am doesn't sound! Especially because she's like 1.5 yrs old now! So this week I've been trying really hard to tire her out and then letting her sleep 2 hours so that she can hopefully sleep thru the night. Honestly though she's always been a horrible sleeper. Even though she was bone tired she refused to sleep Thursday but I am like nap warrior because my kids WILL sleep! So here she is after I've won the battle.

Anyway here is a run down of our week: 

Monday- didn't do much since i only went for 3 hours
Tuesday-that's my laundry day so we stayed home and the girls basically watched frozen 
Wed-my friend brought her kids over (her real kids, she isn't a nanny) so we had a play date 
Thursday-had a migraine from hell so I don't really remember what all we did
Friday-took the kids swimming and Little Lady woke up super grumpy so Little Einsteins saved the day

Basically it was crazy! And to add to the chaos I had the 8yr old who is all "what can me and you do!?" as soon as I lay the girls down for a nap or is all "can we have a Nerf gun war!?" And I feel horrible because in my head I'm yelling NO!!!! Leave me alone!! So I usually resort to planning an afternoon play date for him. I guess because of the age different it's hard for him to entertain himself with his sisters. So they usually end up fighting or someone gets hurt. This is my first time having 3 kids, let alone an older one. Usually I get them when they are babies and I go from there which is the case with Little Lady so it's hard for me to manage so I'm learning. I'm also open for suggestion in how many of you manage this? Certain activities? Let me know! 

Lets see....I guess that covers my week! Bright side is NY in 3 weeks!!!! I can not freaking wait!!!

How was your week? 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Today Is My Monday

Hi there! Hope everyone had a great long weekend! I didn't do much of anything and I'm ok with that. It's been awfully busy here at work and in my personal life so not doing much of anything was just what the doctor ordered.

Thursday I slept in till 8:35! Which is super sleeping in for me but I didn't get up till 10, I had breakfast and just lounged around till 5 when I had to get up and go shower so I could be ready for bible study at church at 7:30. 

Friday I went shopping! I bought whatever was left over on my list for my upcoming trip to NY! Did I mention I'm going to NY!!!! I can't wait! My BFF and I already have our itinerary and I seriously can't wait! Anyway I spent a good $200 that I don't have and bought shorts and tees and shoes.

Sat we went to visit a close friend at the hospital who just got diagnosed with crones disease and had to have surgery on her intestine. Thankfully she's going to be ok and should be able to have solids starting today. Later that afternoon we went to top golf, it so rewarding to just hit a ball with all your might! I've never actually played golf, just on the Wii and I'm sure that doesn't count. 

Sunday morning was spent at church and that night we went to go see the Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knightley movie Begin Again. It was actually really good! It felt a tad bit long there in the middle but overall it was good.

Monday I had off and today I'm at work! Yay! Only a 4 day work week for me, hurray!! 

Except I feel like this cartoon I stole off of Facebook, I don't take credit for it.

It says can I call you back in 5 years? LMBO! I feel like that today, I suppose to littles missed me this long weekend! 
How was your weekend? Fun and relaxing I hope! May you call have a great week! Will post about our day tomorrow or Thursday. 


Friday, July 4, 2014

Sea Life Aquarium

Well...I should be proud of myself for blogging 3 times this week!! I'm writing today since it's a day off! Whoo! Thanks America! I can't promise that it will be like this every week but I'm going to try. 

So I had mentioned in the previous post that we paid a visit to the Sea Life Aquarium in Grapevine this week. I actually have been to this aquarium once before and really liked it. It's not as big as the Dallas World Aquarium and has less halls (no otters or frogs or flamingos or leopard) BUT it is less expensive and you don't have to pay for parking. 

I think Sea Life did a great job catering to small children. Everything was right down to their eye level and only once did I have to pick up Little Lady (2.5) to see something. I felt pretty safe letting them explore since there's almost nothing they can't touch. It's also nice and small so the kids don't get too overwhelmed or exhausted. 

They have a nice sting ray bay in which there's a balcony with glass floor so you can see them swimming below you. Little Lady really enjoyed this. 

They also have lots of nooks where the kids can get a closer view, the kids really liked those.

They have a nice display of Sea Horses and a really cool shark tunnel that's made all up of glass...even the floor! It was really cool! Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of this because at this time Little Bee was throwing a fit and I was trying to keep her form shrieking. 

There's also a really nice turtle tank (?) where they have rescues so that was super neat. I didn't take pictures of that either...oops! 

So there you have it! It was a fun day at a very fun place! The kids really enjoyed it and so did I! It's a good place to go in the summer, since it's indoors and not 183930 degrees. 

 She said "look! It's finding Nemo fish!"