Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's a already Monday again...poop!

So I guess I didn't blog at all last week..oops! I promised myself I would blog at least twice a week with at least one blog post detailing my day but life got in the way! Because these are my kids and some days I feel a single parent (we won't talk about how I lost my wallet because of them! Happy ending thankfully). 

Anyway! This week was crazy busy!! Starting with Little Bee not sleeping at night, seriously I feel bad for her parents because her walling from 2:00am-4:30am doesn't sound! Especially because she's like 1.5 yrs old now! So this week I've been trying really hard to tire her out and then letting her sleep 2 hours so that she can hopefully sleep thru the night. Honestly though she's always been a horrible sleeper. Even though she was bone tired she refused to sleep Thursday but I am like nap warrior because my kids WILL sleep! So here she is after I've won the battle.

Anyway here is a run down of our week: 

Monday- didn't do much since i only went for 3 hours
Tuesday-that's my laundry day so we stayed home and the girls basically watched frozen 
Wed-my friend brought her kids over (her real kids, she isn't a nanny) so we had a play date 
Thursday-had a migraine from hell so I don't really remember what all we did
Friday-took the kids swimming and Little Lady woke up super grumpy so Little Einsteins saved the day

Basically it was crazy! And to add to the chaos I had the 8yr old who is all "what can me and you do!?" as soon as I lay the girls down for a nap or is all "can we have a Nerf gun war!?" And I feel horrible because in my head I'm yelling NO!!!! Leave me alone!! So I usually resort to planning an afternoon play date for him. I guess because of the age different it's hard for him to entertain himself with his sisters. So they usually end up fighting or someone gets hurt. This is my first time having 3 kids, let alone an older one. Usually I get them when they are babies and I go from there which is the case with Little Lady so it's hard for me to manage so I'm learning. I'm also open for suggestion in how many of you manage this? Certain activities? Let me know! 

Lets see....I guess that covers my week! Bright side is NY in 3 weeks!!!! I can not freaking wait!!!

How was your week? 


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