Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ah Fall....

Fall is here! Kinda....we live in Texas so it's springish weather right now. Earlier in the month we had a really warm day, with a high of like 90 or something so we took advantage and went swimming! 

The new house has a heated pool and hot tub but we mostly have been using the hot tub since heating the entire pool would be incredibly expensive  and it would take forever. The hot tub is perfect though, the girls enjoy bobbing around in there and I like sitting and doing nothing while watching them play. 

Life has been going well...we have been very busy living and enjoying the new house and it's perks. The girls are really enjoying all the space and so I am, we aren't on top of each other anymore. The only down side is that now we actually have to drive to pick up Little Man from school. 

This week I have been fighting a severe sinus infection and an upper respiratory thing. I've been on a heavy dose of antibiotics and steroids. I never had a fever so I still came to work and we basically did this--> 

Yes America, I let the girls watch endless episodes of Dora and friends and destroy the play room. Which by the way, I had no idea Dora was all grown up! 

*yes I know Little Lady is wearing her mother shirt, we didn't go out to public that day
*yes I know the "play room" looks anything but destroyed but this isn't the play room, it's the tv room lol

Anyway, thankfully I am all done with the meds and I'm feeling almost 100%. 

We have been battling with some 8yr old attitude here lately. I guess that's normal but it's annoying. Thankfully Little Man is starting to understand that 1) I am not his personal maid, if I said pick up your backpack and shoes I mean it! Or there will be consequences, I'm done being Miss Nice Pants and 2) the world unfortunately doesn't revolve around him, period. 

There is some moments where I find him quite cute, like when he is trading his Pokemon cards. Which are all the rage apparently in 3rd grade. He seems to be "da man" to go to. Everyday after school he is shuffling! 

Hopefully he will get over the rut he's in soon, which I blame in his mother being practically non existent. But that's another story for another day. 

I'm looking forward to the cooler weather, I'm done with the warmth. I hope it's nice and cool when I take the girls to our yearly Arboretum outing to see the pumpkin village! 
