Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Celebrating Nanny Week With Dog Poop

Hello internets! It's been quite the busy month around  here. Boss people finally moved and it took 3 whole days. Which means I worked Mon-Sun and never got a break. The past few days have been filled with sorting and organizing and just living in the new house. It's cool, hopefully they will remember that come bonus time. I'm not holding my breath though.

I've been feeling a little under-appreciated these past days, funny since its National Nanny Approciation Week. My boss people are very considerate people so it's been frustrating that these last few days they seem to not understand that I have a life outside of work. I have things to do, errands to run and so forth. I understand that they both have jobs that requires them to be fully committed and I knew that coming in. I also knew that I was suppose to leave at 5 everyday and that I would work 1-3 Monday's a month. I haven't had a Monday off in MONTHS. I've been leaving work at 5:20-5:30 and that's just plain unacceptable. 
Yesterday was the straw that broke the camels back. They dog had explosive diarrhea on the BEIGE carpet. The smell was god awful. I was gagging. I texted both telling them what happened, I wasn't expecting them to come home and clean it up. But their response made me incredible upset and if it hadn't been for the smell I would have left the diarrhea there for them to clean. Her response was "Please keep him outside or crated all day, text (guy boss)." So I texted him and he said "That sucks, blame (lady boss) it is her dog" SERIOUSLY!? I dont know what response I was hoping for but a "Sorry Sam" or "I'm sorry about that" would have been enough. Maybe I'm being sensitive or maybe I'm in the right. Either way it was gross and disgusting. I'm seriously not getting paid enough. 
This morning I finally talked to them, I hate not feeling like my self and I'm one of those people who voice their concerns and I'll let you know when something is bugging me. I didn't tell them I was feeling overlooked but that I did express how I need to leave at 5 or we will start talking about a schedule change and pay increase, that got their attention. Hopefully the next few days are better. 

Sorry for my rant. Anyone else had to deal with this? I know sometimes we overlook the people who help us the most due to stress or problems and I understand. But after a month I think I'm done feeling overlooked. 

Anyway how was your week? Fall is finally here and I could not be more excited! Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. Do you do anything special with your little ones to celebrate fall? 

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Stay safe! 


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