So the girls and I had a great day yesterday! Partly because I only worked 4 hours! Lady Boss told me Thursday that she would be getting her "face lasered" or in other worlds she was going to the dermatologist so she just decided to take the day off that way I could arrive late and then leave right after I put the girls down for their nap. I could hardly believe my ears!! I was so excited! She told me she understood I had a stressful week and I deserved some time off...i thanked the nanny gods!! Even though my bosses had no idea it was Nanny Approciation Week, I took that as a holiday gift!
So here is a rundown of our short day:
8:55-get to work, I can hear lady boss and little lady talking upstairs, wonder where my little bee is. I yell up the stairs to announce my arrival and hear both say "hiya Sam"
9:05-hear little bee talking in her bed so I go and get her, she was very excited to see me...and then I realized she had poop on her leg...never a good sign.
9:15-lady boss is thankfully taking care of little bees poop dilemma, she's giving little bee a bath while I strip the crib and rub some Clorox wipes all over it. Put the dirty stuff in the wash and then go back to join the poop party in little bees room. Little lady is a bit whinny this morning but she's usually like this when her mamma is home.
9:17-little bees hands still smell like poop so back in the bath she goes!
9:25-sweet little bug is finally dried and dressed! She's a bit cranky now but that's what happens when you wake up at 5am and then refuse to nap and instead poop all over yourself.
9:25-9:45-feed the girls some muffins and pack our bag for the day. We are going to the interurban railway museum in downtown Plano. Someone in little lady's playgroup let lady boss know that some kids would be going there. They have a free story time and a nice park next door.
10:00-finally leave! I'm hoping little bee will take a short nap in the car so that she isn't terribly cranky.
10:25-arrive at the musuem, we originally got there earlier but I drove around trying to get little bee to fall asleep. It didn't happen so off we go!
10:30-story time starts...I'm pleasantly surprised that the story teller is a sweet looking grandma. I am not fond of the over the top young ladies that try to do story time now days...some kids don't want loud and hyper...they prefer quiet and engaging. At least my girls do anyway.
11:00-story time is over! Both girls really enjoyed it and both actually danced and "participated". They let us hop on on the little red covered train wagon outside. We aren't aloud to touch anything but we do get to sit in the conductors chair, they girls really weren't impressed with this, they were more fascinated by the train wheels.
11:15-11:48-we watched the turtles for a while and then went to play on the playground for a few minutes.
11:50-we buckle up and head home. Little lady askes the whole way if we can "go to chick fil a" or to "that mall" or basically every where she can think of that's not home.
12:10-we make it home and I make the girls a very simple lunch.
Btw aren't those plates the cuttest? We got them from the $1 section at Target! It was a great find!
12:40-make a sippy cup with milk and warm it up...get a paci for little lady and off to bed she goes! I asked little lady to please sit and watch the iPad while I put her sister to bed. I can trust her, little bee, not so much.
1:19-little bee is FINALLY asleep! After I changed her diaper, gave her her milk and snuggled her she refused to go to bed. It's like she wait for me to get angry and tell her to "go night night right now!" That she passes out....that little stinker!
1:20-lady boss is home and said she would put little lady I go and start picking things up and collect my things.
1:30-I finally leave....but before this lady boss talks to me about what's about to happen.
So it turns out some of their friends, who have 3 kids, might be coming to live with them for a few weeks/months while the house they just bought goes thru some remodeling.
It's all cool with me....except they all get home at 3pm...I don't leave till 5!! How weird is it that someone will there watching me! And not even that...their oldest goes to little mans school so you know they will be asking me to pick him up as well...for free. Now I will do it as a favor once or twice but I work for my family, not them. And I know that makes me sounds stingy and a jerk but I'm sorry, I'm not getting taken advantage of. This whole new arraignment will throw our schedule out the window and the two older one will once again share a bedroom and bed. Which throws away all the efforts we did to get the older one, little man, WHO IS 8yrs OLD!!!!!!, to sleep in his own bed. So there you have it, the beginning of the end. I feel like I'll just never get a break...I'm going to be stressed until those people move out. Maybe I should go back to drinking coffee everyday.
Or wine after work...