Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Well...this is new!

Yo! Hi America! Welcome to my tiny,unknown little blog.

As the title states, this is new! New as in I'm new to blogging, new to sharing my thoughts and ideas via the internets. Please bare with me on this new adventure and learn to work this blogger sphere.

Now for introductions, I'm Sam....a 27 something going on 30 something year old.
As you probably figured, I'm a nanny! Been doing this for a living for 8 years and I've worked with 4 families.

As a nanny there are a lot of misconceptions about what we really do all day. No I don't let the kids watch tv all day, no I don't let them get away with misbehaving,  no I don't beat them, no I'm not sleeping with my boss, no I don't sit and eat ice cream all day. This blog came to me as an idea when a nice lady at the pool asked "what do you do all day? I bet the kids love pbs" Actually dear desperate housewife of the burbs, they do!! Not because they watch it all day but because they are allowed to watch Sesame Street during lunch. Let me make something clear though, there are many days when the watch tv more than other days and honestly, I don't even feel guilty about that. Any who that is where the idea came from, I should probably thank that lady.

So welcome! Welcome to my humble little page in which I probably will rant, talk about what the kids did today and what I really did all day. For now I leave you, as I just heard the baby waking up from her nap (I'm guessing lots of post will end with that 🙊)


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