Friday, July 18, 2014

Food Trucks Rule

So hello again, I've obliviously haven't been keeping up with this blog which is a bummer because I really want to be able to blog more than once a week but I'm trying not to be so hard on myself.

Anyway! How was your week? Our was busy busy! Today was a fun day! 

Our day:

7:45-Arrive to work, lady boss is still here and it's rare for me to see her in the mornings so we chit chat about my plans for the day and then we say goodbye.

8:15-Feed the girls breakfast, cereal and smoothie for everyone (just have the girls today, Little Man is with his mom this week).

8:15-9:10-Let the girls watch some Disney Jr while I get laundry ready and sorted and clean up breakfast plates. I also pack our bag for the day with diapers, wipes, extra undies, a change of clothes, snacks, paci for the baby, and water.

9:13-It's Little Bees turn first to get dressed today. I get one girl dressed at a time so I can give each of them individual time and my full attention. I put a fresh diaper on her and get her dressed. Next, teeth get brushed and we sing our ABC's while I do it and then I let her have a turn. While she "brushes" I comb her hair and decide she need one pigtail today. Little Bee is still slightly bald, she needs more hair! 

9:31-Little Lady's turn (she protest after I turn off the TV stating that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse just started). Get her dressed and then time for teeth. We also sing our ABC's while I brush her teeth and then it's her turn. Just like Little Bee, I brush her hair while she "brushes". After I remind her to brush her tongue we are done!    

9:45-10:15-We read some books while we wait for my friend to get here, she's coming with us to our outing. The girls are very much into Leslie Patricelli books, especially Quiet, Loud.

10:15-My friend Gee finally arrives and we pack up, each grab a girl and off we go!

10:40-Arrive at Fair Park, there is a Food Truck Frenzy today! Free parking and free admission so it should be fun! And it was! I wasn't expecting much from the event but it was better than expected. There was about 7 trucks out there, one live band and a water show. We had a very weird and unexpected cold front so the weather was amazing! 65 degrees in the middle of July? Score! 

11:00-Trucks finally open and off we go to order food! I ordered tacos for the girls and myself and a hotdog in case either girls decides tacos are yucky today. 

I ordered two chicken, one crawfish and one brisket taco. 

And I was right! Little Lady decided tacos are yucky and ate the hotdog, some of my friends fettuccini Alfredo and the fruit I packed her. Little Bee devoured the brisket taco, she LOVES meat, she also kinda nibbled on the chicken one. I ate the crawfish taco and the left over chicken taco. 

After that we let them walk around and run and enjoy the water show which they both loved! Little Bee thought the show rocked! 

After that we decided it was time for dessert! We had the most delicious funnel cake fries from the Cuban sandwich truck! I'm not kidding! These are worth the heart attack they might give us later. 

12:30-Girls are starting to get antsy as it's their nap time so we walk a mile to find the restroom, let Little Lady go potty, change Little Bees diaper and pack everyone up again. 

12:55-Blast the Frozen soundtrack to keep the girls from falling asleep. If they fall asleep even for 15-20 mins they won't nap when we get home.

1:17-arrive home and little Bee fell asleep right before we pulled up so I call that success! 

1:30-Put Little Bee down after I've changed her diaper and given her a bottle.

1:45-Put little Lady down and she snuggles down immediately, she should fall asleep fast. My friend leaves soon after.

2:00-For a split second I think the baby isn't going to nap but fortunately she does! 

2:00-3:35-I fold laundry, clean out our day bag and rest. I hear the baby wake up and it's time to get her out. 

3:35-4:01-Little Bee and I snuggle, read books and play with blocks while we wait for Little Lady to wake up.

4:01-Go and wake Little Lady, if she sleeps too much she won't go to bed at a reasonable time at night. 

4:30-Start making Mac and cheese for the girls dinner. Cut some fruit up for them and put fresh water in their cups while they play some sort of chase game.

4:30-5:00-Girls eat dinner and lady boss gets home! We talk about our "culture" day and how much fun the girls had. I give her the rundown on how many bowl movements went on today (fancy life the one I live, very fancy!), nap lengths and what each girl ate. 

5:17-I finally leave! I'm so ready to start my weekend! 

Over all this week was a great week with the girls and we did have lots of adventures. Hopefully I will get better about writing those down. 

Hope all of you have a wonderful, safe and fun weekend. 


Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's a already Monday again...poop!

So I guess I didn't blog at all last week..oops! I promised myself I would blog at least twice a week with at least one blog post detailing my day but life got in the way! Because these are my kids and some days I feel a single parent (we won't talk about how I lost my wallet because of them! Happy ending thankfully). 

Anyway! This week was crazy busy!! Starting with Little Bee not sleeping at night, seriously I feel bad for her parents because her walling from 2:00am-4:30am doesn't sound! Especially because she's like 1.5 yrs old now! So this week I've been trying really hard to tire her out and then letting her sleep 2 hours so that she can hopefully sleep thru the night. Honestly though she's always been a horrible sleeper. Even though she was bone tired she refused to sleep Thursday but I am like nap warrior because my kids WILL sleep! So here she is after I've won the battle.

Anyway here is a run down of our week: 

Monday- didn't do much since i only went for 3 hours
Tuesday-that's my laundry day so we stayed home and the girls basically watched frozen 
Wed-my friend brought her kids over (her real kids, she isn't a nanny) so we had a play date 
Thursday-had a migraine from hell so I don't really remember what all we did
Friday-took the kids swimming and Little Lady woke up super grumpy so Little Einsteins saved the day

Basically it was crazy! And to add to the chaos I had the 8yr old who is all "what can me and you do!?" as soon as I lay the girls down for a nap or is all "can we have a Nerf gun war!?" And I feel horrible because in my head I'm yelling NO!!!! Leave me alone!! So I usually resort to planning an afternoon play date for him. I guess because of the age different it's hard for him to entertain himself with his sisters. So they usually end up fighting or someone gets hurt. This is my first time having 3 kids, let alone an older one. Usually I get them when they are babies and I go from there which is the case with Little Lady so it's hard for me to manage so I'm learning. I'm also open for suggestion in how many of you manage this? Certain activities? Let me know! 

Lets see....I guess that covers my week! Bright side is NY in 3 weeks!!!! I can not freaking wait!!!

How was your week? 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Today Is My Monday

Hi there! Hope everyone had a great long weekend! I didn't do much of anything and I'm ok with that. It's been awfully busy here at work and in my personal life so not doing much of anything was just what the doctor ordered.

Thursday I slept in till 8:35! Which is super sleeping in for me but I didn't get up till 10, I had breakfast and just lounged around till 5 when I had to get up and go shower so I could be ready for bible study at church at 7:30. 

Friday I went shopping! I bought whatever was left over on my list for my upcoming trip to NY! Did I mention I'm going to NY!!!! I can't wait! My BFF and I already have our itinerary and I seriously can't wait! Anyway I spent a good $200 that I don't have and bought shorts and tees and shoes.

Sat we went to visit a close friend at the hospital who just got diagnosed with crones disease and had to have surgery on her intestine. Thankfully she's going to be ok and should be able to have solids starting today. Later that afternoon we went to top golf, it so rewarding to just hit a ball with all your might! I've never actually played golf, just on the Wii and I'm sure that doesn't count. 

Sunday morning was spent at church and that night we went to go see the Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knightley movie Begin Again. It was actually really good! It felt a tad bit long there in the middle but overall it was good.

Monday I had off and today I'm at work! Yay! Only a 4 day work week for me, hurray!! 

Except I feel like this cartoon I stole off of Facebook, I don't take credit for it.

It says can I call you back in 5 years? LMBO! I feel like that today, I suppose to littles missed me this long weekend! 
How was your weekend? Fun and relaxing I hope! May you call have a great week! Will post about our day tomorrow or Thursday. 


Friday, July 4, 2014

Sea Life Aquarium

Well...I should be proud of myself for blogging 3 times this week!! I'm writing today since it's a day off! Whoo! Thanks America! I can't promise that it will be like this every week but I'm going to try. 

So I had mentioned in the previous post that we paid a visit to the Sea Life Aquarium in Grapevine this week. I actually have been to this aquarium once before and really liked it. It's not as big as the Dallas World Aquarium and has less halls (no otters or frogs or flamingos or leopard) BUT it is less expensive and you don't have to pay for parking. 

I think Sea Life did a great job catering to small children. Everything was right down to their eye level and only once did I have to pick up Little Lady (2.5) to see something. I felt pretty safe letting them explore since there's almost nothing they can't touch. It's also nice and small so the kids don't get too overwhelmed or exhausted. 

They have a nice sting ray bay in which there's a balcony with glass floor so you can see them swimming below you. Little Lady really enjoyed this. 

They also have lots of nooks where the kids can get a closer view, the kids really liked those.

They have a nice display of Sea Horses and a really cool shark tunnel that's made all up of glass...even the floor! It was really cool! Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of this because at this time Little Bee was throwing a fit and I was trying to keep her form shrieking. 

There's also a really nice turtle tank (?) where they have rescues so that was super neat. I didn't take pictures of that either...oops! 

So there you have it! It was a fun day at a very fun place! The kids really enjoyed it and so did I! It's a good place to go in the summer, since it's indoors and not 183930 degrees. 

 She said "look! It's finding Nemo fish!"

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Ideas

Me again! I've decided to try something a little different, what if I post our daily life on here? My nanny life, what we really do during the day, would that be interesting? With pictures! I will never post the kids faces due to the fact that well, these aren't my kids. Another thing I won't ever do is talk bad about my employers, the deserve respect. So would that be interesting?

Let's start now! With half a day...which remind me, I probably should take more pictures from my day.

7:45-Get to work, before I arrive I do a little prayers asking for patience, creativity, and wisdom so I can do my work correctly.

8:00-guy boss leaves and I wake up the baby, we have an outing today and I need her awake soon!

8:30-try to shove down cereal/smoothie/vitamin down Little Man (8) Little Lady (2.5) and Little Bees (1.5) throat.

8:45-My friend is on her way! Poop!!! Need to dress the littles and brush hair and teeth on everyone!
During this time Little Man gets in trouble for instigating his sister, Little Lady gets in trouble for hitting her brother and Little Bee gets hurt in the mouth (this happens at least once a week).

9:00-Gee arrives and Little Lady gets crazy excited! Little Bee is still SUPER CRAZY attached to me and isn't very fond of my friend, partly because my friend treats her like a big kid and we don't...she's still gets treated like a baby...I know! I KNOW!!

9:28-We finally get everyone buckled and we are on our way! We are going to the Sea Life Aquarium today. I got a free child's ticket (with a purchases adult tickets from cicis pizza, score!) so the littles all get in of free! Since the smalles two are under 2.

10:00-12:15- We all had a great time! This aquarium is so great for little kids. Everything is eye level for them and they can pretty much touch everything. Little Bee only had 2 fits so we are calling it a win.

12:30-We all have a very unhealthy Sonic lunch and at this time we take potty breaks/change diapers and pack everyone so we can head home to take a nap!

1:15-arrive home, both girls fell asleep in the car so I hope they stay asleep.

1:30-everyone is in their beds and little man us playing wii, I use this time to up away the dishes I left washing in the dishwasher this morning and take out the kitchen and bathroom trash. Refill the backpack with snacks for tomorrow's outing (the Perot!)

2:14-no such luck, the baby is still talking in there. I go and give her a bottle (I KNOW!) and put her back down. Go and check on Little Lady and she too is awake. Tuck her back in. It's going to be a long afternoon.

2:19-little man asks what him and I can do and I say, watch a a movie. I'm exhausted! How are the kids not tired!?

3:00-finally acknowledge no one is napping and go and get little bee from bed, change her diaper and let her free. I go get little lady and take her sleep time diaper off and also let her free.

3:30-everyone is starting to loose their shit so I give them a snack and then throw everyone outside, spray them with bugs spray and give them a cup of ice to entertain themselves. Nothing entertaines the girls quite like water and ice. We should get them a water table.

4:12-lady boss is home!! Hallelujah!! Give her the download of why everyone is crazy, give her a brief version of our day, mostly important stuff like "the littles had bowl movements".

4:20-leave!! Love them kids but boy I'm exhausted!

So what did ya think? Sound interesting? We'll see how this turns out.

I will do a post later this week about the Sea Life Aquirum with (hopefully) pictures, if I can work this blogger thingy.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Well...this is new!

Yo! Hi America! Welcome to my tiny,unknown little blog.

As the title states, this is new! New as in I'm new to blogging, new to sharing my thoughts and ideas via the internets. Please bare with me on this new adventure and learn to work this blogger sphere.

Now for introductions, I'm Sam....a 27 something going on 30 something year old.
As you probably figured, I'm a nanny! Been doing this for a living for 8 years and I've worked with 4 families.

As a nanny there are a lot of misconceptions about what we really do all day. No I don't let the kids watch tv all day, no I don't let them get away with misbehaving,  no I don't beat them, no I'm not sleeping with my boss, no I don't sit and eat ice cream all day. This blog came to me as an idea when a nice lady at the pool asked "what do you do all day? I bet the kids love pbs" Actually dear desperate housewife of the burbs, they do!! Not because they watch it all day but because they are allowed to watch Sesame Street during lunch. Let me make something clear though, there are many days when the watch tv more than other days and honestly, I don't even feel guilty about that. Any who that is where the idea came from, I should probably thank that lady.

So welcome! Welcome to my humble little page in which I probably will rant, talk about what the kids did today and what I really did all day. For now I leave you, as I just heard the baby waking up from her nap (I'm guessing lots of post will end with that 🙊)
